Happy Father’s Day?
As a special needs parent, holidays often feel less than holy. Do you agree? For me, it could be our daughter’s self control rupturing at the seams. Or it could be the immense fatigue from doing-all-the-things only to continue to be “on” on the Sabbath/weekend, too. But God. We are met here.
How We Thrive
I would love to reflect on the last year of motherhood and chronic disease and homeschool and say our days were organized and we flowed from task to task with ease. That I took breaks when I needed them and we loved one another well every day. But instead, I can say this - we survived. And - we thrive.
Clean up time
Who cleans up the messes in your life? Have you ever thought about this before? While soaking soiled shirts and kissing injured knees and re-washing kitchen floors or counters or tables… while mending the errors in your colleagues work - or your own - and begging for relationships to be in a better place and space… Who is cleaning up? Who is nurturing you, nourishing you, tending to the flame of your spirit and soul?